Publications 2014
Abdelgaied A; Brockett CL; Liu F; Jennings LM; Jin Z; Fisher J The effect of insert conformity and material on total knee replacement wear. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, vol. 228, pp.98-106. January 2014.
Ardestani MM; Chen Z; Wang L; Lian Q; Liu Y; He J; Li D; Jin Z Feed forward artificial neural network to predict contact force at medial knee joint: Application to gait modification. Neurocomputing, 2014.
Ardestani MM; Chen Z; Wang L; Lian Q; Liu Y; He J; Li D; Jin Z A neural network approach for determining gait modifications to reduce the contact force in knee joint implant. Medical Engineering and Physics, vol. 36, pp.1253-1265. October 2014.
Ardestani MM; Zhang X; Wang L; Lian Q; Liu Y; He J; Li D; Jin Z Human lower extremity joint moment prediction: A wavelet neural network approach. Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 41, pp.4422-4433. July 2014.
Ardestani MM; Moazen M; Jin Z Gait modification and optimization using neural network-genetic algorithm approach: Application to knee rehabilitation. Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 41, pp.7466-7477. November 2014.
Bou-Francis A; López A; Persson C; Hall RM; Kapur N Assessing cement injection behaviour in cancellous bone: An in vitro study using flow models. Journal of Biomaterials Applications, vol. 29, pp.582-594. October 2014.
Brandolini N; Kapur N; Hall RM Dynamics of interpedicular widening in spinal burst fractures: an invitro investigation. The Spine Journal, vol. 14, pp.2164-2171. October 2014
Brockett CL; John G; Williams S; Isaac G; Jin Z; Fisher J Ceramic-on-carbon fibre reinforced poly-ether-ether ketone hip replacements: A novel low wear bearing. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, Accepted.
Bullers SJ; Baker SC; Ingham E; Southgate J The human tissue-biomaterial interface: A role for PPARγ-Dependent glucocorticoid receptor activation in regulating the CD163+M2 macrophage phenotype. Tissue Engineering - Part A, vol. 20, pp.2390-2401. September 2014.
Chen Z; Zhang X; Ardestani MM; Wang L; Liu Y; Lian Q; He J; Li D; Jin Z Prediction of in vivo joint mechanics of an artificial knee implant using rigid multi-body dynamics with elastic contacts. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, vol. 228, pp.564-575. June 2014.
Dahabreh Z; Phillips HK; Stewart T; Stone M The effect of application time of two types of bone cement on the cement-bone interface strength. European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology, September 2014.
Fisher J, Ingham E, Jones G, Fermor H, Hasan J. Patent number: GB2507850 (Great Britain). Application number: UK Patent Application No. GB1315709.4. Status: Published. Filed date: 04 Sep 2013. Publication date: 14 May 2014
Hasan J; Fisher J; Ingham E Current strategies in meniscal regeneration. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B : Applied Biomaterials, vol. 102, pp.619-634. 2014.
Hogg P; Rooney P; Leow-Dyke S; Brown C; Ingham E; Kearney JN Development of a terminally sterilised decellularised dermis. Cell and Tissue Banking, October 2014.
Hua X; Li J; Wang L; Jin Z; Wilcox R; Fisher J Contact mechanics of modular metal-on-polyethylene total hip replacement under adverse edge loading conditions. Journal of Biomechanics, vol. 47, pp.3303-3309. October 2014.
Hua X, Wang L, Al-Hajjar M, Jin Z, Wilcox RK, Fisher J. Experimental validation of finite element modelling of a modular metal-on-polyethylene total hip replacement. Proc Inst Mech Eng H vol. 228, pp.682-692. July 2014
Hua Z; Fan Y; Jin Z A biotribo-acoustic testing method for ceramic orthopaedic biomaterials. Tribology International, vol. 71, pp.1-6. March 2014.
Hua Z; Zhang H; Fan Y; Jin Z Development of a BiotriboPOD testing methodology for the wear evaluation of orthopaedic biomaterials. RSC Advances, vol. 4, pp.19987-19991. 17 April 2014.
Li J; Hua X; Jin Z; Fisher J; Wilcox RK Biphasic investigation of contact mechanics in natural human hips during activities. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, vol. 228, pp.556-563. June 2014.
Li J; Redmond AC; Jin Z; Fisher J; Stone MH; Stewart TD Hip contact forces in asymptomatic total hip replacement patients differ from normal healthy individuals: Implications for preclinical testing. Clinical Biomechanics, vol. 29, pp.747-751. August 2014.
Li J; Wang Q; Jin Z; Williams S; Fisher J; Wilcox RK Experimental validation of a new biphasic model of the contact mechanics of the porcine hip. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, vol. 228, pp.547-555. June 2014.
Li J, Hua X, Jin Z, Fisher J, Wilcox RK Influence of clearance on the time-dependent performance of the hip following hemiarthroplasty: A finite element study with biphasic acetabular cartilage properties. Med Eng Phys vol 36, pp.1449-1454. November 2014
Lian Q; Li D; Jin Z; Sun Y; Wang Z Patient-specific design and biomechanical evaluation of a novel bipolar femoral hemi-knee prosthesis. Journal of Bionic Engineering, vol. 11, pp.259-267. April 2014.
Liu A; Ingham E; Fisher J; Tipper JL Generation of a large volume of clinically relevant nanometre-sized ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene wear particles for cell culture studies. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, vol. 228, pp.418-426. 2014.
Liu F; Williams S; Fisher J Effect of microseparation on contact mechanics in metal-on-metal hip replacements-A finite element analysis. Journal of biomedical materials research. Part B, Applied biomaterials, 2014. [epub 5 November 2014]
Luo J; Korossis SA; Wilshaw SP; Jennings LM; Fisher J; Ingham E Development and Characterization of Acellular Porcine Pulmonary Valve Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering. Tissue Engineering Part A, vol. 20, pp.2963-2974. November 2014.
Magee DR; Song Y; Gilbert S; Roberts N; Wijayathunga N; Wilcox R; Bulpitt AJ; Treanor D Histopathology in 3D: From three-dimensional reconstruction to multi-stain and multi-modal analysis. Journal of Pathology Informatics, 2014 Accepted.
Maiti R; Fisher J; Rowley L; Jennings LM The influence of kinematic conditions and design on the wear of patella-femoral replacements. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, vol. 228, pp.175-181. February 2014.
Ma'touq J; Strauss DN; Messenger N; Stewart TD; Tayebjee MH Spinal angle and foot pressure during cardiac electrophysiological procedures. Int J Cardiol, vol. 172, pp.e398-e400. April 2014.
Meng Q; Jin Z; Wilcox R; Fisher J Computational investigation of the time-dependent contact behaviour of the human tibiofemoral joint under body weight. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part H-Journal of Engineering in Medicine, vol. 228, pp.1193-1207. November 2014.
Mengoni M; Sikora SN; d'Otreppe V; Wilcox RK; Jones AC In-silico models of trabecular bone: a sensitivity analysis perspective in: Gomez D; Geris L (ed.) Uncertainty in Biology: a computational modelling approach. Springer. In press.
Mukonoweshuro B, Brown CJ, Fisher J, Ingham E. Immunogenicity of undifferentiated and differentiated allogeneic mouse mesenchymal stem cells. J Tissue Eng 5:2041731414534255 2014
Nogiwa-Valdez AA; Rainforth WM; Stewart TD Wear and degradation on retrieved zirconia femoral heads. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, vol. 31, pp.145-151. March 2014.
Papageorgiou I, Abberton T, Fuller M, Tipper JL, Fisher J and Ingham E. Biological Effects of Clinically Relevant CoCr Nanoparticles in the Dura Mater: An Organ Culture Study. Nanomaterials, 4(2), 485-504; June 2014 doi:10.3390/nano4020485
Papageorgiou I; Marsh R; Tipper JL; Hall RM; Fisher J; Ingham E Interaction of micron and nano-sized particles with cells of the dura mater. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B : Applied Biomaterials, vol. 102, pp.1496-1505. October 2014.
Robson Brown K; Tarsuslugil S; Wijayathunga VN; Wilcox RK Comparative finite-element analysis: a single computational modelling method can estimate the mechanical properties of porcine and human vertebrae. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, vol. 11, pp.20140186. . June 2014.
Song Y; Magee DR; Treanor D; Roberts N; Bulpitt AJ; Wijayathunga N; Wilcox R Unsupervised content classification based nonrigid registration of differently stained histology images. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 61, pp.96-108. 2014
Suner S; Bladen CL; Gowland N; Tipper JL; Emami N Investigation of wear and wear particles from a UHMWPE/multi-walled carbon nanotube nanocomposite for total joint replacements. Wear, vol. 317, pp.163-169. September 2014.
Tarsuslugil SM; O'Hara RM; Dunne NJ; Buchanan FJ; Orr JF; Barton DC; Wilcox RK Experimental and computational approach investigating burst fracture augmentation using PMMA and calcium phosphate cements. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, vol. 42, pp.751-762. April 2014.
Wang L; Liu X; Li D; Liu F; Jin Z Contact mechanics studies of an ellipsoidal contact bearing surface of metal-on-metal hip prostheses under micro-lateralization. Medical Engineering and Physics, vol. 36, pp.419-424. April 2014.
Zhang W; Lian Q; Li D; Wang K; Hao D; Bian W; He J; Jin Z Cartilage repair and subchondral bone migration using 3D printing osteochondral composites: a one-year-period study in rabbit trochlea. Biomed Res Int, vol. 2014, pp.746138. August 2014.